This page hopefully gives you the full indication of the money needed, where it goes and when it's needed by.
If you have any other questions feel free to ask, I'll do my best to answer with the information I've been given.
£3995 to be paid IN FULL by 16th September 2011.
£3000 split weekly over the 10 months as living costs.
£2000 approx. for the trips abroad.
Firstly; the basic course cost is £3995.
The next few paragraphs indicate where this £3995 is going and what exactly the 'basics' are.
Rent- We will be living in houses in Watford of around 3-6 people. Figures aren't exact yet, because it depends on what houses come onto the market nearer to the start of the course. Soul61 hope that we have a room to ourselves. The houses will be within walking distance of the church and the town centre, so a car is not necessary.
Furnishings & Estate agent fees- Soul61 will be sourcing as much cheap/free furniture as possible but there will be some set up cost here.
Council Tax- A significant amount of money that has to be paid per month for things such as police and bins.
Bills- Water, electricity, gas and broadband internet.
Books/Uk Travel- Some of the £3995 will go towards classroom resources, such as books, as well as the UK travel costs for the day trips across the country when hanging out with the Soul Survivor/Soul61 leaders.
The £3995 is non-refundable and needs to be paid in full before the start date of the course (16th Sptember 2011). This is because Soul Survivor aren't in the place to be able to refund the amount for bills or rent, and continue to pay those costs themselves, if someone was to drop out.
Secondly; the £3000 living costs.
This money will be spent on food, fun and probably more food... Soul survivor estimate that we will need £50-£70 a week for living expenses; food, toiletries, toilet roll, socks etc. (Totalling £3000)
They leave this in our hands totally; nothing needs to be paid to Soul61 in this respect. It isn't a lump sum to be paid, therefore churches/family/friends/supporters could fund throughout the year if it was more managable.
Finally; £2000 for the trips abroad.
Soul61 hope that those who want to, will be able to go on trips with Mike (Pilavachi) to do ministry. He spends around six months of his year travelling to speak in other countries. This is NOT compulsory, as they don't want to increase the cost of the year even more, so should I wish to attend; money for airfares, accomodation and spending money also needs to be raised. The total amount may vary depending on costs of tickets etc. at the time.
Despite the extra cost, Soul61 encourage us to think seriously about aiming to go on at least one trip. (Trips include going to different conferences and festivals around the world, seeing how they do things differently and learning from their positives and negatives.)
Trips for Soul61 2011, haven't been decided yet, but details are sorted by the time I start in October. So, exact costs can't be given yet, but approx. costs for the trips the current (2010-11) course were:
Australia/New Zealand- for two and a half weeks totalling £1000, flights for £700 and £300 on food, accomodation etc.
California- for two weeks totalling £700, flights for £500 and £200 on food, accomodation etc.
(I'm saying £2000 as a total for some flexibility on the changes in destination and prices)
Totalling a vast £9000!
Now, obviously you would've noticed the trips abroad are NOT compulsory, understandably, I'm already asking for just under £7000 in fundraising and that is a HUGE amount, and I appreciate some people may not want to give over the necessary need.
I have laid down costs and finances to God, particulalry the added cost of trips. I couldn't throat asking for more support in something that wasn't compulsory. However, after mulling it over with God, I feel that; yes, that money may not be necessary, and it is an added cost, but God reminded me that anything is possible with him. So I don't need to worry about it. By 'it', I mean any of the money. I have faith that the money will come through; God got me on to the course, which is a miracle itself! Which means he can most definitely provide and multiply the funds.
In short, if God wants me to go on the trips and missions, he'll provide.
So don't worry about giving more or above what you can. If you want to give; give, if you want to support; support, but if you don't feel to, don't!
Hopefully, by now, the financial need is quite obvious. Hopefully you understand where the money is going, what it goes on, who it goes to and why it is needed. Like I said before, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask! :)