Thursday, 10 November 2011


Hey guys,

I'd like to apologise, I have blogged twice since 'Go...' but it hasn't saved or sent, which is very annoying! I don't remember what i said either. So, sorry for any confusion or for feeling left in the dark.

So it's now my 12th day in, it has been a wonderful whirlwind! It's so full and crazy. My schedule isn't quite set in stone yet, so my week could change, but it's getting busier! I have mondays off, which is great, because lets face it, no one likes Mondays! Tuesday and Thursday are teaching days, where usually Andy will bombard us with information. Wednesday and Friday I spend at my placement, which is with Explore church, a church planted in Croxley Green by Soul Survivor. Saturday is another day off and Sunday I have to go to Explore for their morning service and either of the evening services at Soul Survivor. So already it is busy!

On top of that, we've got Prayer Triplets with other on the course, however my triplet is actually a quadruplet, where we pray together, talk together and support each other. We've yet to be put in our Cells, because Andy was training for Ordination last week, so we'll get our groups this week hopefully. Then we'll get chances to be in Accountability groups, Mentoring and get involved in everything to do with the church!

Last Friday (4th) Soul Survivor had an event called Live At The Barn, where they open their (barn) doors to anyone under 18 and had multiple bands and a DJ playing sets. It was all about having fun! I was put on the inside team, also known as 'Sex Watch Team' - self explanatory. My job was to break up things if they got too 'inappropriate', stop heavy moshing and dance... all night! It was SO much fun! I haven't danced so much in ages! We had to encourage dancing too, so we couldn't just bounce or act 'cool', we had to really go for it.

This week just gone, we were really given our duties in placement; mine include organising and sorting out the Explore Fridays, which are an after school club on a Friday, for primary aged kids. I have to come up with about 12 different activities for them, including an assortment of crafts and games, oversee the whole afternoon and improve each one. I'm also getting stuck in with a lot of the creative stuff that goes on at Explore, I'll be designing logos, heading up the Christmas decorations, which is wonderful! I get an outlet for my creativity. :)
Being at Explore church does involve a lot of kids work, which isn't particularly what I wanted to do, I felt a calling to Youth work, but I'm where God wants me and I'm not up for moaning about it. I feel that serving is the best way to lead. I'm not to be serve, but to serve. Andy says, 'The only way up, is down'. Even if I'm washing up for 2 hours straight (which happened on Friday), I'm happy.

On Thursday, all of the girls on Soul61 met at one of the houses for an encouraging evening with Beth and Andy croft, Jo Woodman and all the other ladies. It will become a twice termly thing for Soul Survivor to learn how to encourage us as Women in Leadership! We'll have Ali Martin and Rachel Hughes teaching us and sharing a bit of knowledge about how to be the best we can be.

On a lighter note, I'm finally learning the guitar! After putting it off for a good year and a half, I've picked it up and it's not been back in it's case for a week! It helps a huge amount that between 15 of us in Gordon, there are about 8 guitars and a huge amount of musicians always ready to help. :)
I also just wrote a shopping list! Which is crazy... I'm turning into my mum! Which is a good thing of course. We're aiming, as a flat to spend about £60 on food a week, which is £20 each. Keeping us fed and energised.

Speak to you soon!

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