Monday 19 December 2011

On home turf

I have arrived home!

Man, it feels good to be home, but also slightly strange. I feel a little lost; I can't wander into another flat, think about what to cook, expect my lovely flat mates home or stare at my huge pile of washing. Well that's a lie, the pile of washing on my bedroom floor is monstrous! I've cuddled my cats and family, but I feel so strange without Hannah and Be. They're wonderful, and I love them a lot.
Already, it's easy to say we are like a big, 39 strong family. The community between us and the huge amount of love we have for each other is amazing. So leaving that behind for two weeks does feel odd. But I'm here, with my incredible family, home church and cats. Never far from God either.

I can eat good food, sleep in my lush bed, shower without thinking someone would walk in on me and drive! It's going to be a great two weeks!

God has done so much the past two and a half months; I did a talk, I lead a song, I auditioned, I've been broke and remade, I am a book acting as a doorstop, I've fallen in love with God and met my best friends and family. I feel so grateful to Him for sending me on a journey, a whirlwind journey, where I'm in His perfect plan. I still cannot get my mind round that.

Amongst all the temporary goodbyes, there was one that was permanent and a little sad. Tom, our lovely flat mate is currently flying back to New Zealand to go home. It was a pleasure getting to know him and he welcomed us well and kept us laughing a lot! Prayers for a safe and comfortable trip! See you in the summer Tom! :)

For now, I need a cuppa', and we have milk that's not off! Wahoo!


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